This is it! This is the product that started my entire DIME journey! It is crazy to think about but taking a chance on this one product has launched into DIME being the only skincare products I use to date (about a year ago too). So this one is a special post and I am excited to share Why I Dime with the Eyelash Boost Serum!

But first, here is the story! I saw a very popular influencer share the Eyelash Boost Serum and her results. After having tried at least two other brands of lash-boosting products and not seeing any results, I was skeptical. However, she spoke so highly of the product that I just knew I needed to give it a try. After about a month of regular use (3-4x a week), I started to notice that my lashes were getting thicker and healthier. It was at that point that I knew this product was going to work for me and I was hooked!

My Results

I have already alluded to great results with the DIME Eyelash Boost Serum and would I really be writing about a product that didn’t work? No, but y’all, this one works and works wonders! Here were the first few things I noticed after consistent use and about how long it took.

  • Lengthening of my lashes (first 2 months of use)
  • Thickening of lashes overall (after 2 months of use)
  • Less fallout (within the first month)
  • Visible length and thickening (after 3-4 months of use)
  • Faster growth (within the first month)

My lashes are longer. They are way healthier. They are thicker. And I am experiencing less fallout than I have ever had in my life.

Fallout Issues

I wanted to share a little bit more about my fallout issues prior to using the DIME Eyelash Boost Serum because it is a huge part of Why I DIME. For years, I experienced fallout no matter what I did with my lashes. If I wore mascara for days on end, I had fallout. If I avoided mascaras for a few days at a time, I still had fallout. If I left my mascara on overnight, I had fallout. If I made sure all mascara was wiped off, I had fallout. It seemed like it did not matter what I did or did not do, I still experienced lash fallout. I even experimented with working from home and not wearing makeup for days on end but that did not make a difference.

One thing made a difference-the DIME Eyelash Boost Serum! But let’s be real for a moment, something that works for me or for someone else may not necessarily work for you. In my opinion, it is definitely worth a try to see how it works for you-you never know if you don’t try! Look, I wouldn’t have had these results if I would not have taken a chance and given it a try.

Don’t forget that you can use my link which will automatically apply 20% off on your own bottle of the Eyelash Boost Serum saving you $10 and making it less than $40. And find more products in this series on the blog.

DIME Eyelash Boost Serum

*This post contains affiliate links which means I make a commission on anything you purchase. By shopping these links, my 20% off code is automatically applied for you.

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