Let’s talk about luxury, luxury designer bags that is! So, I’ve always had an eye for a beautiful bag and that passion has grown over the past few years! But what I don’t have a passion for is paying full price. My goal=luxury bags for less!

Here’s the problem, Gucci doesn’t need to offer discounts, coupons, or good deals. And the same goes for all the other designer brands. With loyal followings and almost always being in high demand, you are unlikely to get what would be considered a good deal on a new luxury bag. 

But don’t fear, it can still be done!

Enter the world of the pre-owned market. Well, I know what you might be thinking because I thought about it too. If I am going to spend that amount of money on a bag, I want it to be new! But here’s the best part, many of these bags LOOK like new! Lovers of luxury bags tend to take good care of them so if/when they go to resale, these beauties look brand new! Therefore, it is completely possible to get these luxury bags for less!

Since I’ve personally spent a lot of time dabbling in the pre-owned market and have now purchased 5 bags between 3 of the biggest retailers out there. So I’m going to save you the trouble and walk you through the pros and cons of each! 

Here we go!


What I like:

  • High-quality detailed photos 
  • Excellent selection 
  • Many designers offered
  • Fast and free shipping 
  • An easy-to-understand condition rating
  • Effective sizing and descriptions 
  • Sends you alerts for price drops on bags you have liked (added to favorites) 
  • Photos with mannequins for size reference 
  • Variety of payment options 
  • The website recommends bags similar to the ones you are looking at or for 
  • Provides retail value for many bags 

What I don’t like: 

  • Fewer discounts and sales 
  • Items sell very quickly 
  • Slightly higher priced than other sites 
  • Filter tools can be time-consuming 
  • Almost too many bags to search through 


What I like: 

  • Constant discounts and sales 
  • Good condition and description ratings 
  • Free shipping for over $500
  • Good photos of just the bags themselves 
  • Variety of payment options 
  • Fair pricing 
  • Easy to sort, navigate, and like bags
  • Ability to earn points and refer friends 

What I don’t like:

  • No photos with mannequins for sizing 
  • Not as good of bag recommendations based on other bags

What Goes Around NYC

What I like: 

  • Carries a lot of vintage styles 
  • Deeper discounts and pricing 
  • Can find in-store at select locations 
  • 10% off for joining the email list 
  • Vintage jewelry selection is great 
  • Tells about the style of bag-brief history 
  • Unique pieces  

What I don’t like:

  • Fewer designers-less than 20
  • Not as many options per designer 
  • Lack of style variety 
  • The condition doesn’t go in-depth 
  • Styles are pretty aged 

Deciding to invest in a bag is a big decision! So you want to make sure that you are getting the best bag for you at a great price point. With that, my advice is simple, take the time to research, look at sizing and description, and don’t shop impulsively. You can get a luxury bag for less!

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