Skincare is a form of self-care for me and 2022 was all about finding the best of the best! And that is exactly what I did through lots of trial and error. From trying a variety of brands to exploring various products, I spent a lot of time testing products out to see what worked best for my skin. Through this exploration, I was excited to find a brand that truly is the best of the best!

Enter DIME Beauty Co. It was through another influencer, that I first tried DIME starting with the eyelash boost serum, and once that worked wonders for my lashes, I started trying their other products. Each I ended up liking more than the next until I found my absolute favorites and the products that helped my skin tremendously. From anti-aging to major moisturizers, DIME has it all!

I am also excited to be able to share my affiliate partner link which gives you 20% off any of your purchases. After getting hooked on the lash boost and trying out their skincare line, I applied to join their affiliate program which has been amazing at allowing me to try even more products to review for ya’ll and the best part is that you get the discount too!

So if you are looking to up your skincare game in 2023, I highly suggest starting with these DIME favorites and seeing what works the best for you!

*This post contains affiliate links

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